Eco Friendly

Making An Impact Solar Energy

Switch to sustainable solar power. It’s clean, safe, and renewable.
And we make it reliable & affordable, just for you
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PT ORD Rekacipta Dinamika is a company engaged in the field of PJK3 ( Company provide of Health Services and Safety Training ) and PJTKI (Company provide Employment Service Indonesia) who has a license and has extensive experience.

Services that we provide include: Security Services  / Cleaning Service / Administration Service. . Established by experienced professionals and have extensive insight as well as competitions in Outsourcing Services and Management Consultants.

Outsourcing is the process of transferring the responsibilities of the workforce from the parent company to another company outside the parent company. Companies outside the parent company can be vendors, cooperatives or other agencies arranged in a particular agreement.

Supported by experienced professionals in their fields, highly trained, educated and highly dedicated individuals and always fulfill satisfaction commitment for service users.

We also provide the best service through an effective, timely and accurate system in every admissions process, recording the number of incoming and outgoing employees, occupational safety system (JAMSOSTEK), health insurance and also including timely salary payment of employees. That is our scope in the management of human resources services.

The services we serve include:

• OFFICE SUPPORTS (Cashier, Admin, Secretary, Telephone Operator)
• OFFICE SERVICES (Security, Office Boy / Girl, Driver, Cleaning Service and others)


Outsourcing adalah proses pengalihan tanggung jawab tenaga kerja dari perusahaan induk ke perusahaan lain di luar perusahaan induk. Perusahaan di luar perusahaan induk bisa menjadi vendor, koperasi atau agensi lain yang diatur dalam suatu kesepakatan tertentu.

Didukung oleh para profesional berpengalaman di bidangnya, individu yang sangat terlatih, berpendidikan dan berdedikasi tinggi dan selalu memenuhi komitmen kepuasan bagi pengguna jasa.

Kami juga memberikan pelayanan terbaik melalui sistem yang efektif, tepat waktu dan akurat dalam setiap proses penerimaan, mencatat jumlah karyawan yang masuk dan keluar, sistem keselamatan kerja (JAMSOSTEK), asuransi kesehatan dan juga termasuk pembayaran gaji pegawai yang tepat waktu. Itulah ruang lingkup kami dalam pengelolaan layanan sumber daya manusia.

Layanan yang kami layani meliputi:

• ADMINISTRASI KANTOR (Kasir, Admin, Sekretaris, Operator Telepon)
• LAYANAN KANTOR (Security, Office Boy / Girl, Driver, Cleaning Service dan lain-lain)

Eco Friendly Services

Team Solar Spark is the best-in-class products & solutions. We offer clean energy maintenance with organic & eco-friendly services.

Solar Panels

We are currently supplying solar kits to our clients worldwide.

Wind Turbines

We are currently supplying solar kits to our clients worldwide.

Green Energy

We provide comprehensive consulting services on energy efficiency.

Renewable Energy Is The Future

Using renewable energy for your house’s electricity and heating is an excellent way to minimize your carbon footprint, make your home more sustainable, and perhaps cut your energy expenses. The benefits are undeniably substantial.

Kami sangat senang melayani Anda. Kami berterimakasih apabila anda dapat mengikuti tahapan berikut ini :

  • Unduh Profil Perusahaan kami
  • Kami mempresentasi Profil Perusahaan
  • Kami bertemu untuk mengerti kebutuhan Anda
  • Menerima proposal dari kami
  • Klarifikasi pertanyaan
  • Membuat keputusan